Theme: "About us"

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In Kyiv at the hotel Bakkara the YMCA Ukraine annual General Assembly has finished its work.

At the Bakkara hotel in Kiev the annual Conference / GA of the YMCA Ukraine started its work. The delegates from the local YMCAs, are taking part offline and online, accepted the reports of the National Board and General Secretary for the last year, made SWOT analysis of the National YMCA, admitted to the YMCA Ukraine new local organization – YMCA Poltava.

The second day was devoted to the reports / presentations of the activities of the local Ys for the current year and plans / ideas of the YMCA Ukraine for 2022.

A lot of plans / events are in front of us on the National and International levels, and nothing can prevent them, even Covid, because we have learned lessons and are able to act even in such extraordinary circumstances…!

- Find friends among the 64 million young people
- Become a leader in our programs
- Follow a healthy lifestyle
- Benefit the society
- Learn languages and travel around the world with us